“Nature Citizens” – photography exhibition by NiñoRojo Project

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“Nature Citizens” de NiñoRojo Project
Expozitie de fotografie.
Deschidere: 26 iulie, orele 20, Galeria M8 (str. Muresenilor nr.8, Brasov)

NiñoRojo Project este un grup spaniol fotografic, care functioneaza in jurul fotografiei contemporane. Sunt interesati de fotografie ca o modalitate de explorare a antropologiei si istoriei, ca un mijloc de a transmite si reprezenta noi realitati, ca un instrument pentru ridica intrebari. Pascual Martínez si Vincent Saez sunt fotografi ce exploreaza impreuna acest gen de fotografie contemporana, cu noi moduri de a arata munca lor.

Timp de o luna in Romania, in rezidenta la The CAN (The Collective Art Neighbourhood) , cu proiectul “Nature Citizens” au cautat relatia poporului roman cu propria lor natura, cu tot ce ii inconjoara, dezvaluind ca aceasta este prezentă in viata lor, dar mai putin constienti de ea. Fiind oarecum dificil de a percepe sau redescoperi, aceasta caracteristica a fost si este prezenta in viata lor de la inceput.

Mai multe informații la:
The CAN (The Collective Art Neighbourhood), este un proiect independent care stabileste accentul pe practicile artistice contemporane, reunind două abordari complementare, The CAN: InResidence and The CAN: OpenHouse. Situat in centrul Bucurestiului, functioneaza in acelasi timp ca un studio deschis, o platforma pentru dialog si loc de expozitie.


NiñoRojo Project is a spanish collective of photography that works around contemporary photography. We are interesting in the photography like a way of exploration about antropology and history, as a means to transmit and represent new realities, like a tool to do questions. Pascual Martínez and Vincent Saéz are photographers exploring together this kind of contemporary photography, with new ways to show their work.

For a month in Romania, hosted by The CAN (The Collective Art Neighbourhood) with the project “Nature Citizens” we have been searching the relationship of Romanian people with their own nature, with everything around them, and revealing like this is present in their lives, but they are hardly aware of it. Being somewhat difficult to perceive or rediscover, this feature has been and it’s present in their lives from the begining.

More information in:
The CAN (The Collective Art Neighbourhood) is an independent project that sets its focus on contemporary artistic practices, reuniting two complementary approaches, The CAN: InResidence and The CAN: OpenHouse. Located in the centre of Bucharest, The CAN functions simultaneously as an (open-)studio, a platform for dialogue and an exhibition venue.
